Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30 days...

First, let me start by saying that writing this post is a little difficult. I told myself on April 1st I would take photos every Monday and post the "success" photos on April 30th. Well, that would be today, eek! I had a goal pictured in my mind and I can honestly say I didn't reach that "pictured" goal. I did reach an unexpected goal of being content with my body, mind and soul. Crazy how that works sometimes, huh?! 

I began round #2 of Whole 30 on April 1st. I struggled with the usual items (no sugar, no dairy) throughout the month but did pretty good overall. Again, I am content with my results of Round #2. There were days when I felt like I could eat everything in sight but didn't! There were also days of emotional stress that made me loose my appetite completely but I still ate, I ate healthy items not comforting items. Moderation is the key, maintaining will be easier for me now. When I started round #2 I was still bummed that I had come up a few pounds short of my round #1 goal. Today I am happy to tell you that I have met that goal, actually a tad under it. I know that the number on my scale fluctuates daily so I will not get on the scale as often. I realize that fat vs muscle can play nasty tricks on the mind when it comes to see the number on the scale. I also realize that my 120 - something will different from your 120 - something because we aren't the same person!

The past 30 days also included a Plank Challenge with our local Moms Run This Town group. At first this challenge seemed easy, well 30 days later I could careless if I ever do another plank. I am just kidding! Planks are good for the abs, arms really could be a whole body workout if you alternate the styles. My goal for this challenge was to learn to hold a 4 minute straight arm plank for 4 minutes. I did it! Last night I even went a little past the 4 minute mark. Proof is in the picture as they say: 


April also provided me with a chance to a run a few 5K's, one every weekend to be exact! By sticking to my food plan and my workout plan not only did I accomplish goals on the scale I  accomplished goals at the finish line. I ran several consistent sub 30 5K's. I also took several minutes off my 10K time missing the sub 1 hour mark by only one minute (1:01:25). 

Finish Line! 

So here's what you've been waiting for the "Success Photos"... 

June 2009   -    April 2013
(A tiny bit sunburned, oops)

April 2013 ... 30 days 

A little leaner - A little stronger - A lot more color - oops! 

Clearly, I got a little sun on Sunday, a little too much sun! This post is not meant to draw to attention to me. It is meant to show that if you step out of your comfort zone so much more can be accomplished! So often we all get stuck in routine whether it be physically or spiritually. Posting this is completely out of the box and I do mean way out of the box for me; however, I want to show that I am not "picture perfect". I do not have a perfect six pack or perfect hips, etc... I am perfectly made by the spirit! As I told someone a few weeks ago "God gave me these hips and I am proud of them".  God made us all different, I encourage you to set a goal for yourself. Keep track of that goal for 30 days and see what happens, you might be surprised by an unexpected accomplishment as well. For me, I will put on a smile my face knowing that I am wonderfully made by Christ and praise him for all my accomplishments! 

Now it's May 1st... what goals can we set to move forward and continue to be content?! Do you want to try a new physical challenge, check out our MRTT Co-Leader Tammy. She has challenged our MRTT group to "Squat it like it's HOT!" :


  1. You look great! Keep up the excellent work girl :)

  2. Thank you! Thanks for checking out the blog, too!

  3. Congratulations, Mitzi! Your 5k, 10k, and plank times are downright inspirational - and you are absolutely gorgeous.

  4. Thanks Alyse! April was a stressful month on a personal level so it was nice to have some distractions!
