Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Runner's High - FINALLY!

Do you ever look around you and wonder "why they are so happy after running"? I can help answer that question! Those of us that run find a sense of accomplishment in most of our workouts. We feel awesome after a good workout and look for the positive in the "bad" workout! Yes, even on the slower days I feel accomplished for just getting out there and doing it. 

Our Mom's Run This Town group has started hosting two morning group runs each week, Tuesday and Thursday. It works out great with cross-training schedule. I started out only joining them on Tuesday's, saving Thursday as my sleep in day. That has quickly changed! I look forward to these groups runs each week. The ladies are so encouraging and we all secretly agree "We don't leave anyone". Now, if you pass us on one of our normal routes it may not seem that way but have no doubt we all keep an eye out for each other. We all have a pretty good idea of where everyone is and if we see someone start to struggle we will slow down, walk or run to their side. Our group is about encouragement from beginning to end from 1 mile to 8 miles, doesn't matter to us as long as you keep going! 

Ok, back to why I feel accomplished - can you tell I love my MRTT group?! LOL! If you've been following this blog since January then you are aware of my leg issues and struggling to find "peace" on rest days (be it planned rest days or non-planned rest days). I have gotten stronger and worked toward gaining more miles through the above mentioned group run opportunities. That strength has really shown the past few weeks. I felt my leg getting stronger on these runs and have been taking less walk breaks. Today was the best run I have had in a very long time. I convinced my BRB that we could get in 8 miles before work today, thankfully she agreed to give it a go. We ran the usual 5 mile route with the group then took off for another 3 miles, taking Kristen with us. We had a great run! We shared a little bit about faith and our families, really enjoyed getting to know Kristen a little better. Maybe it was our conversation, maybe it was the weather, ha, regardless this morning I ran a little over 8 miles without any leg pain. I did have to walk for a quick minute once to get my breathing under control but overall it was a great run! 

This photo states exactly how feel today and most days after a run: 

Finding a sense of accomplishment in all that I do is an important aspect of my life. Am I perfect? No. Do I have tough workouts? Yes. Do I have runs that make me wonder why I keep doing this? Yes. Do I throw in the towel and quit? No! I have set a goal and I plan to conquer it! If you are feeling like you need a little extra push to reach goal, just keep going. Forward progress, even walking, will get you to your goal. Share your goal with a friend or two so that you have an accountability partner. Remember, "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping someone sitting on the couch". 

I'm looking forward to two more days of training this week before we head a little further east to meet my parents for an epic birthday weekend in honor of my husband and my dad!! 


  1. Your MRTT group really has it together! I have tried to get my mamas out but nobody can commit to a time!
    emma @ a mom runs this town . com

    1. Emma, our MRTT is very organized! Our chapter leaders have utilized the facebook events via our facebook group. They set it up, invite the girls and go from there. It has worked for us :- )
